Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beginning. . .

You can call me “Blue Seasons” (smiles:>) I used Blue Seasons because I love blue water, blue snow, blue tree, blue forest or basically everything of nature’s finest with a dash of blue. They impress me by their mysterious aura.

 photo credit: )
 It epitomizes the cool and calm atmosphere. A depiction of tranquil scenery will make you light-headed. But behind of its peaceful facade, there is a particular grief of sensation concealed from its outmost beauty. It’s like hiding the mess of misery through the shadows of sparkly dark lights. Very mysterious.

( photo credit: )
( photo credit: )
 "Because every season has to go, every season has to come. Change is constant. And in the middle, there is what you called Blue seasons , when everything is  unpredictable, when everything is unknown."
 I created a blog so I can share my words to anyone or to those that might cross path here. 

Well, I’m a girl, a woman, a lady. And a very proud fangirl, so obviously, this might contain stuffs related to my fandom . But I might also write something about my realizations, because as a writer, I want to inspire people and give them hopes through my writings. Good luck!

This is my first entry. ^^

Blue Seasons