Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gu Family Book (Korean Drama 2013)

I just finished watching a sageuk Korean Drama "Gu Family Book".

Actually the story started in Kang Chi's parents' love story. Wol Ryung, a gumiho and Seo Hwa, onced a noble but became a runaway slave because of the accusation to his father.
Seo Hwa refused of being a giseang and she swore to get back to the one that messed up her family. In the end, she thought of killing herself to save her brother and to end her misery. With his pitiful situation, Wol Ryung decided to help her. He brought Seo Hwa to his Moonlight Garden.

And I so very love this scene. It's too magical.

This scene is where Seo Hwa almost killed herself but blue little lights started to bloom. It looks like little fireflies. The background music is also love.

They have a cute relationship really. Wol Ryung even though a strong man, he really has a soft heart of a kid. He really loves Seo Hwa. The sweet things he did for her is also a plus.:'>
They got married and they lived together in the Moonlight garden far from the people outside the forest. But through out their relationship, Wol Ryung never told Seo Hwa his true identity. Wo Ryung decided to become a human before Seo Hwa will find out. He tried to obtain the Gu Family book by the help of his monk friend.

And an incident just happened...

And! And! AND!
This is so frustrating! Their relationship ended like...ugh! awe.
This scene is heart-breaking, very!

So after the Wol Ryung-Seo Hwa love story [SUPER SPOILER ALERT: this isn't actually the end in their relationship,they'll meet again later in the story but never ended up the way I want them to be. :'( ] ,

Choi Kang Chi (Lee Sung Gi)
             Kang Chi's story began. For some reason (I don't want to spoil you too much), Kang Chi became an adopted child of a business man that owned the biggest inn in their place. Kang Chi is half human-half mythical being but he grew up as a human without knowing his true identity..He is cheerful and playful but a bit naughty as well. He is strong in his nature. He sometimes caused trouble to others and a bit hot-tempered.. But Kang Chi is very protective to the family that adopted him. He will risk anything for them. After the revelation that he is a half mythical being, he struggle to fit in himself in the world full of people that see him as 
some kind of a monster. Like his father, he wants to 
be a human being as well.

      In the other hand, is Suzy Bae's character Dam Yeo Wool. She is from a noble family and a daughter of the owner of a martial arts school. She is great in sword and also knows how to handle a bow and arrow. She is brave and a bit aggressive at times. Although she seems to be a little a boyish, she is a girl at heart. She still worries if she will grow old alone. I personally like her character. She is actually my favorite in this drama. 

Dam Yeo Wool (Suzy Bae)
She has a pure heart. She accepts Kang Chi even after knowing his true identity. She is the one that's helping Kang Chi to get through the tough times.

I like her character because she is not the typical leading lady that is very clumsy and cutesy or whatsoever. For me, she's so cool.

Park Chung Jo (Lee Yoo Bi)
This girl is Chung Jo, the daughter of the one that adopted Kang Chi. Her fate is a bit similar to Seo Hwa's but the difference is she accepted to be a giseang, even though she doesn't want to. She is Kang Chi's first love. But even though, she is not really the kind of character that you'll hate. 

Park Tae Seo (Yoo Yun Suk)

Park Tae Seo is the brother of Chung Go. He is also a close friend of Kang Chi. He suffered under a hypnotized but he later used this as a weapon instead.
I think he has a secret special feelings for Yeo Wool. :)

Gon (Sung Joon)


And here is Gon, the shadow of Yeo Wool as what Kang Chi described him. But he is like the one that looks after Yeo Wool and seems to be her bodyguard. He truly cares for Yeo Wool and I think he has a secret special feelings for her as well like Tae Seo. He is very good in sword but a bit stoic and shows little emotion.

 A peach tree with a crescent moon hanging from it, this is where a story begun.

The drama is light-themed for a segeuk but it is so depressing and there's a lot of heart breaking scene (for me). There's also some funny moments. So I think this drama is just balanced of everything. I totally love the cast, from the mains to supportings, they all gave justice to their role. Actually, I never get bored of watching this. I always looked forward for the next episode because there are things that make you curious of what will happen so you'll crave for more. I also learned a lot from this, trust, acceptance, forgiveness and sacrifices,
So I really recommend this drama. You'll never regret watching this. And this became one of my favorite sageuk dramas. 

And here's another heart breaking scene!!! </3

But it isn't the ending yet,...
One of the twist of this story is the ending. For me, it was very unexpected. And because I was surprised, I like how it ends. So I'll not spoil you the ending, you gotta watch it!

All in all, I really like it! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Toma Ikuta's New Movie for 2013

On June 12th, it was announced that actor Ikuta Toma will be starring in Takimoto Tomoyuki’s new movie ‘Nou Otoko‘.

Based on an award-winning novel by Shudo Urio, Ikuta will play a mysterious man who commits countless murders in the name of justice. People call him ‘Nou Otoko’ (‘Brain Man’) and an ‘expressionless murder machine’ for he possesses intelligence and outstanding memory, yet never seems to show any emotions. Throughout this violent and mysterious story, the viewers will slowly be able to unravel the mystery that he is.

This role will mark the first dark hero in Ikuta’s career. He commented, “It’s a new challenge for me and I want to go all out for this movie.”

As there will also be a lot of action scenes, Ikuta prepared himself by practicing kalis (a Filipino sword) and Jeet Kune Do for almost half a year since January, proving that his ambitions are more than just nice sounding statements in news articles.

He added, “One of the highlights of the movie are the impressive and very realistic action scenes.”

Actress Matsuyuki Yasuko will play a neurosurgeon who wants to examine the protagonist and find out the truth behind the incredible abilities of ‘Nou Otoko’, while actor Eguchi Yosuke will play a role of a detective who drives ‘Nou Otoko’ into a corner while chasing a malicious serial bomber.

Matsuyuki commented, “I want to perform many intense dialogues and give delicate psychological descriptions.”

Eguchi added, “It certainly feels like the birth of a new kind of Japanese action movie.”

‘Nou Otoko’ is scheduled for release in February of next year.

Source: tokyohive:

I'm so excited to see Toma with this kind of role.. He surely be the most handsome killer ever. XD I know he's so versatile and all. He can pull off the character very well. And "Ikuta prepared himself by practicing kalis (a Filipino sword)" made me to go squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *But at first I thought he's going to learn some Filipino words. ;3 Hahaha.. Baka me. Anyway, good luck Toma! I haven't watch the Bokura Ga Ita movie and here is another thing to watch for. Weeehhhh.....Toma overload. But I actually wish a romance-comedy drama for Toma but it's ok. He will show his gorgeousness on the big screen again. I wish I can see it too. (!_!)

This news made my day. ^o^ Gambatte Toma!~

Blue Seasons

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hana Kimi Taiwan Season 2 (in just a CLICK)

Do you remember Rui Xi, Quan and Xiu Yi? Do you miss them and their hilarious antics that once make you fall in love and make you appreciate your friends? I bet you do, because we all do. And we want a another season for this very great series. Many questions were left hanging up on our heads still.

Hana Kimi Taiwan

Rui Xi’s secret still remains secret and the love story between her and Quan is still no where to get official. Even Xiu Yi’s feelings are not yet fully develop for Julia, right? There’s no closure for everything.

I knew it’s been six years since the first season was produced, but who cares? The love of Rui Xi and Quan is still in our hearts.

The producer was afraid that the next season might turned fluff or unsuccessful like other dramas season 2. But he is definitely wrong because we can assure him that this another season will cause a big wave just like the first one that gained such popularity in Asia and across.

And even the actors Wu Chun and Ella Chen who portrayed the main characters once said they’re also love to have Hana Kimi Taiwan season 2.

Ella Chen and Wu Chun

It doesn’t matter if it’s been a long time ago. I’m sure we are all excited how Ella Chen, Wu Chun , Jiro Wang and the rest of the cast will once again claim their characters as more matured individuals.

Please support this petition:
Please sign your signature and  let them know that many fans are still hoping for this second season.

“Love conquers all” just like what Rui Xi showed us. Therefore, we can all conquer everything and make it happen.

Nothing is impossible if we believe. Who knows if you click and sign, it will come true. We still got our hopes. Hana Kimi Taiwan season 2, here you go! :D

 Thank you~ <3

Blue Seasons

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beginning. . .

You can call me “Blue Seasons” (smiles:>) I used Blue Seasons because I love blue water, blue snow, blue tree, blue forest or basically everything of nature’s finest with a dash of blue. They impress me by their mysterious aura.

 photo credit: )
 It epitomizes the cool and calm atmosphere. A depiction of tranquil scenery will make you light-headed. But behind of its peaceful facade, there is a particular grief of sensation concealed from its outmost beauty. It’s like hiding the mess of misery through the shadows of sparkly dark lights. Very mysterious.

( photo credit: )
( photo credit: )
 "Because every season has to go, every season has to come. Change is constant. And in the middle, there is what you called Blue seasons , when everything is  unpredictable, when everything is unknown."
 I created a blog so I can share my words to anyone or to those that might cross path here. 

Well, I’m a girl, a woman, a lady. And a very proud fangirl, so obviously, this might contain stuffs related to my fandom . But I might also write something about my realizations, because as a writer, I want to inspire people and give them hopes through my writings. Good luck!

This is my first entry. ^^

Blue Seasons