Based on an award-winning novel by Shudo Urio, Ikuta will play a mysterious man who commits countless murders in the name of justice. People call him ‘Nou Otoko’ (‘Brain Man’) and an ‘expressionless murder machine’ for he possesses intelligence and outstanding memory, yet never seems to show any emotions. Throughout this violent and mysterious story, the viewers will slowly be able to unravel the mystery that he is.
This role will mark the first dark hero in Ikuta’s career. He commented, “It’s a new challenge for me and I want to go all out for this movie.”
As there will also be a lot of action scenes, Ikuta prepared himself by practicing kalis (a Filipino sword) and Jeet Kune Do for almost half a year since January, proving that his ambitions are more than just nice sounding statements in news articles.
He added, “One of the highlights of the movie are the impressive and very realistic action scenes.”
Actress Matsuyuki Yasuko will play a neurosurgeon who wants to examine the protagonist and find out the truth behind the incredible abilities of ‘Nou Otoko’, while actor Eguchi Yosuke will play a role of a detective who drives ‘Nou Otoko’ into a corner while chasing a malicious serial bomber.
Matsuyuki commented, “I want to perform many intense dialogues and give delicate psychological descriptions.”
Eguchi added, “It certainly feels like the birth of a new kind of Japanese action movie.”
‘Nou Otoko’ is scheduled for release in February of next year.
Source: tokyohive:
I'm so excited to see Toma with this kind of role.. He surely be the most handsome killer ever. XD I know he's so versatile and all. He can pull off the character very well. And "Ikuta prepared himself by practicing kalis (a Filipino sword)" made me to go squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *But at first I thought he's going to learn some Filipino words. ;3 Hahaha.. Baka me. Anyway, good luck Toma! I haven't watch the Bokura Ga Ita movie and here is another thing to watch for. Weeehhhh.....Toma overload. But I actually wish a romance-comedy drama for Toma but it's ok. He will show his gorgeousness on the big screen again. I wish I can see it too. (!_!)
This news made my day. ^o^ Gambatte Toma!~
Blue Seasons
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